torsdag 3 juni 2010


While studying Library and Information Science at The University of Borås, for a while I had all my books organized according to the Swedish equivalent of the Dewey Decimal system: SAB-systemet. Within the different classes and sub-classes, I followed the correct alphabetical order as taught at the university... I believe that for a while I even actually had shelf-markers with the classes written on them...

This was a system that could be completely consistent - if I followed the dictates of the high priest on the subject, Kungliga Biblioteket. But even KB, as well as our excellent and inspirational teacher in classification, admit in their wisdom to double-classing and sub-classing. And then where do you place those books, if you only have one copy?

2 kommentarer:

  1. We are simply doing the våg for this marvelous page.

  2. Oh my, thank you! *tackar och bockar*
