Here's an idea I once thought I might try:
It begins like this: I have these notebooks, where I write down quotes I like from books I like. I should actually say, I used to write down quotes, because I never seem to find the time anymore. I even made an index in the notebooks (yes, I am an insane librarian) - an index which listed the title + the number of pages in the notebook filled with quotes from this book.
While I did this, I thought I might use these notebooks as a key for organizing my shelves. Like this:
First book quoted sits first on the shelf. Second book quoted sits second on the shelf. And - and this is the genius or insanity of it - if the quotes from a book take up say five pages in the notebook, the quoted book should be first in a group of five books, which ... have some sort of logical or associative connexion with the quoted book.
Are you following? (Btw, I like that spelling of 'connexion'.)
An example: The quotes from The Name of the Rose take up 3 pages in the notebook. Hence, I would put The Name of the Rose in its place after the previously quoted book, and next to it I would place two related books. Related how, you ask? I dunno. Other Eco books? Other novels centered round libraries? Other mysteries solved by monks?
It would have been interesting to find out, wouldn't it? But the system falls on at least two factors:
* I haven't written down quotes in the notebooks for ages. As I say, I can't seem to find the time.
* I don't own most of the books I've quoted in the notebooks. I was an avid library patron in those days (now I want to own! my books), and most of the quoted tomes are back in Hc, Hce and He shelves in libraries around Sweden. I don't even own The Name of the Rose, in point of fact...
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